You are loved, Taft. Eindhoven, Holland


The #loveyou2 love notes and fence art all began as notes for my kid and our family; little reminders on the fence as they played outside or as we walked to the car or BART. In fact, the first notes faced inward on our fence and I felt shy that anyone else might see them.Once people started coming into the parking lot and taking photos and I started making more signs, I flipped the signs so they could be seen to passersby. Once I saw how many people took photos and engaged with the signs and when I got bored of the ones outside our home, we started moving them to other chain link fences on our various routes. Which then started the tradition of leaving signs wherever we traveled.My daughter is studying abroad so it only seemed fitting to fill her town with love notes when I went to visit. Straight off the long ✈️ + 🚞 ride and to ward off jet lag, we biked and walked all over Eindhoven installing 14 love notes.You are loved @taftisseamstress ! 🎥 edits by @noahkilpack#loveyou2 #publicdisplayofaffection