what do you love?


Every Friday during 2011 on the  i love you, too  Facebook page, we hosted "I love you because" Friday, a madlib for your heart.  Participants were invited to finish their own "I love you because" sentence in the comments section and send their love out in to the world.  Personally this was a beautiful practice of telling someone publicly every single week why I loved them.  There are so many people I love and so many reasons why. Often, we take for granted the reasons why or forget to tell someone specific reasons they mean so much to us. This weekly devotion was at times bold, other times simple, sometimes long overdue, always welcome. 

During 2012, I'm shifting this weekly practice of loving outloud to include the blog and altering the prompt to "What do you love?", letting our love statements become gratitude moments that may be about someone specific but could be about something or some moment.  This, too, is a continuation of my own exploration of love as a noun, a verb, a statement, a necessity, a gift.

This first Friday of 2012 try it out with me - what do you love?

I love this sunset at on New Year's Day.  I love Frau Fiber's Sewing Rebellion and the aprons from dress shirts we made last night. I love 2012 stretched out blank in front of me waiting to be filled with memories. I love the new year already brought a new friend.  I love the conversations happening at dinnertime. I love this space to practice loving you outloud.