There is no one like you.


It is back-to-school time. We've readied ourselves. The backpacks are washed, clothes handed down, new shoes bought, and a menu for the week on the refrigerator.  There's been a bang trim, extra quarters hidden in the back packs, and the alarm clocks are set for what seems like way too early on the last day of summer.

Tomorrow I'll write notes and tuck them in their lunches. Because I have done this every year since whenever it was that they first had a lunchbox and went to preschool. Because my mom did this for me.  Because this is how you start school - with extra change stashed for emergencies and a note in your lunch.

Tomorrow's note: There is no one like you.

Even as you try to fit in, desperate to stand out: There is no one like you.

Not in any corner of this city, anywhere in this country, or any place in the entire world is there anyone like you.

Being you takes guts. It takes finesse. It requires courage. So no one else could do it. Only you.  Only you could take on this role and fill these shoes being the amazing creature you are.

We are lucky to know you since there is no one like you. 

PS - This just in: The year looks shiny and bright!