Love Note Pads: Get Love. Give Love.


I'm having a blast with the Get Love. Give Love. note pads now available on Etsy and at Perch in San Francisco, CA. And more stores locations coming soon! Please email me if you have contacts for local stores who would carry the love note pads:

Without meaning to be an experiment in love (but all of life turns out to be such an adventure!), these love note pads have become a huge reminder to me of the power of Get Love. Give Love. I've been using the love note pads to write, send, post, individual notes and as part of a live love note writing event. It should come as no surprise, but thrills me every time I catch a glance, that the front of my refrigerator is filling up with love notes TO ME!  Wow.  Big, amazing, true love surrounds.

I can't wait to see what you do with your love notes!  Grab a pad and a pen, write a note, post or send me your story.   It is divine to be able to watch the love floating around.

How will you share the love?
