thanks, mom


During a quick work trip as I was getting ready to go to bed in a different time zone, sorting my thoughts, everything laid out for the next day, my phone rang from the charger. "Mom" flashed on the screen and as I picked up the call there she was, the familiar voice and banter. I am so grateful for the magic of cell phones and text to keep in touch and even more grateful I can be in touch with my parents.

We had a quick catch up. Some of the highlights. Then some lowlights. Mom is really like that now. She is a glass-half-full-lady but she does not shy away from the lowlights and no one rallies quite like mom.

Mom paused, then said, "Really, it's all about love and loving. Loving people for who they are. Just as they are. All of life is really just that, if we can do it. You are right on with your i love you, too project. That is what it's all about."

Where does she think I get this from? ;)

It's the truth of get love. give love.

Thanks, mom.