loving you takes guts


My week has been delightfully and extremely full of loving you. I had a fun interaction during one of this week's love note writing sessions. A group of men came around the corner and I invited them to write a love note, post it or take it and share with someone. One of the guys seemed mesmerized by the love notes hanging up. He read each one and looked back and forth to the blank notes on the table.

"I think you want to write one," I said to him.

"Can you write it to a stranger?" he asks.

"Of course! You can write it to the past or future, stranger or enemy, you can sign it or not, post it or take it. Whatever you want."

"Have you written a love note to a stranger?" he inquires.

I told him of the freedom writing loves note has given me, the practice of appreciating, of putting in to words both the big and small things that I love - the awe and delight of the everyday and the profound.

He walked to the table and looked at the different notes then looked up,  "Can I write on here and ask her to coffee?"

"Do it!" I encourage. His friends nod encouragement, as well.

"You really need 'yes' cards to give out with these. Then she could just hand that back to me."

Oh, this makes me smile.  "Yes" cards.  Needed. Everywhere.

So, someone somewhere this week is going to get asked to coffee. Say yes. Pretty please. Loving you like this takes guts.

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