Thanks for giving us the YOU ROCK blue ribbon

This email has my heart singing:I am one of a dozen neighbors who have worked hard this year to replace dead turf with trees and blooming native habitat plants on the Pacheco Triangle (94127). We've discussed, planned, weeded, planted, mulched, fenced, watered, weeded some more, and coordinated with the San Francisco Department of Public Works. Along the way we've enjoyed getting to know each other as neighbors. Not long ago we began to see butterflies in the Triangle where none had been before. Then we found the You Rock love note attached to the watering equipment cage. Feels like we won a blue ribbon! Thanks, from Julia, and all the neighborhood Pacheco TriangularsThis love note was placed as part of the grant I received from the Awesome Foundation to install love note in every San Francisco zipcode - a project completed during August 2014. The 94127 installation is near and dear to my family's heart as my sons' bestie moved just a few blocks from where this sign is placed. I have such a warm feeling about this friend landing amongst the Pacheco Triangulars. He believe will be loved and cared for like their common ground of plot so well tended.This is what "get love. give love." is all about for me: making tangible or visible the interconnectedness of our being alive.