Dear Awesome Foundation: I love you!





Can you find these love notes?  (<------Click that link and be amazed!) Each of San Francisco's 26 zipcodes now as a love note installed with thanks to the Awesome Foundation.What I learned on this glorious adventure painting and installing signs all around the city I love:1) We all want to love and be loved. So many amazing interactions with strangers in new parts of town as I summed all my guts and went to new neighborhoods to hang up my love for you. Don't make assumptions. That love we want to give and receive, it's all connected, common and important. Thanks to those brave enough to interact in response...this feeds the "get love. give love" revolution. You, man in North Beach, I'm thinking of you.2) I love San Francisco: the sights, the sounds, the community, the chance to be broken open and be who you are. There is liberating freedom traveling in a short, but detailed, time around this city observing passersby and opportunities for art installation. Oh, you are so beautiful people. Be yourself. 3) If you write enough love notes, eventually someone will write you back. If you are really lucky, it might be a cat picture. Keep on, love!My love note installed in the Haight, with a little love back. :)     4) A grant is empowering. I walked around knowing I had a job to do....after all, I had been given an award and public recognition for this proposal. Thank you to the Awesome Foundation for believing in me, supporting public art, and wagering that that change is actually possible. Note to self: support change makers in every way you can.Dear Awesome Foundation: I love you. Shannon --------In July 2014 I received a grant from the Awesome Foundation funding my proposal to install love notes in each of San Francisco's 26 zipcodes. "I found my heart in San Francisco; there is an ever-growing map of San Francisco in my mind, comprised of locations embedded with people and experiences coupled with awe. Installing love notes in each of San Francisco's 26 zipcodes will be my love note back to this glorious city."Join me on this San Francisco hide-and-seek love note adventure! Find 5 of the love notes + send me photos of you in front = a set of love notes mailed to you from my etsy shop. For the cheater pants, these blog posts are geotagged on the love note map. Ready, set, go! I love you, San Francisco.Many thanks to the Awesome Foundation for believing in the power of love notes and supporting me changing the world one love note at a time.