story behind the heART: the brightside/the wrong side


I'm a silver lining kind of gal.  I wanted to give a literal view of these two options to my kids. Yes, you can get up on the wrong side of bed. Yes, you can stay there all day if you choose. The "wrong side" (a place we don't feel we deserve to be or want to stay) is at some point a destination if not a major connection hub on any life journey. However bleak the circumstances (both big and small things can trigger the wrong side feeling), there is usually a brightside.  Sometimes you have to walk all the way around to the back of the wrong side, as you do with this sign, to view the brightside.  There may be times that walk around to the flip side of the wrong side can take days or weeks to accomplish.  Even if we need to snuggle up  with the feelings on the wrong side, just give a gentle nod to the fact that the brightside may not be so far away, if we can take it.  It's mighty bright over here!