story behind the heART: Bloom


The art bottle vases.  Perhaps the most commented on piece of fence heART aside from 'in all my life i never met anyone as beautiful as you'.

Sweet, is that my middle child let me use his soda pop bottle collection to make the vases. I'd tried to grow plants at the gravely base of the fence to no avail and decided make up a new way.  After giving me permission to select a few bottles from his collection, he provided astute commentary on how the bottles would be best ordered and affixed to the wood. With a creative burst, I stayed up late to finish the beading & choose the finishing touches.

As I went to hang the vases on the fence in the morning my son said, "Mama, the vases look great but you have not


anything.  What are you trying to say with the vases?"  Not wanting to delay my excitement at finally seeing flowers on the fence I replied, "I don't want to say anything, I just want to put flowers on the fence. Right now!" Seeing his disappointment and curious if there was not something more, we left for school and work without hanging the vases.

That evening, my son went to work on the computer, looking up various fonts and printing on different papers until he came up with the right combination. 


.  Soda bottle vases on the front.


on the reverse.  Yes.  That's it!