story behind the heART: In all my life I never met anyone as beautiful as you.


My sister left a voicemail the week before Christmas, "I'm sending you something kind of random.  It's not a Christmas gift but I saw this and thought you'd do something fun with it." Her package arrived and I put it under the tree anyway.  What I opened on Christmas morning was a vintage scrabble set she'd scored for a song because of missing pieces. Who was she kidding? This is THE BEST GIFT. Scrabble tiles I could do anything I wanted with mailed right to my house? Mega score for me.

It turned in to:

In all my life I never met anyone as beautiful as you.

To me, the sentence describes that moment in the dance of knowing someone when you have each peeled back enough layers to glimpse, as you lean forward, the shape or outline of one another's souls.  Just at the edge of the end of mystery, ever appreciative of the stories, quirks and amazingness of another human being. It happens in a moment. You are sitting there and wonder if you weren't actually born just to be here at this very moment listening to this story, taking in the breath and substance of knowing this other person.  You then know that you were and as you perceive their magnificence you think, or maybe say, "In all my life I have never met anyone as beautiful as you."


In all my life I have never met anyone as beautiful as you. 

signs seem to be the most photographed. I've loved observing all the different folks who whip out their smart phones and snap a picture of the scrabble tiles. I wonder where those pictures go.  Are they texted to someone in particular or posted on someone's Facebook wall?  

The first edition of

In all my life I never met anyone as beautiful as you.

 was crafted with the actual scrabble board, which was rad but did not last long in the January rain. I salvaged the letters into the wood sign. "Where are the scrabble letters?" you've been asking.  The second edition was recently finished up by the weather, as well.

But guess what? You can write, text or say it even without the picture.  Do it.  Tell him or her. 

In all my life I never met anyone as beautiful as you.