story behind the heART: Aren't You Something!


My youngest son anticipated the start of preschool with glee. He'd spent three years being toted to drop-offs and pick-ups, art and music classes and various playdates of his older siblings. This rite of passage was long anticipated and in his mind, overdue.

When he brought his work home at the end of each week, he savored showing me each piece one by one. I realized he'd observed and banked years of praise heaped on his older siblings during similar Friday rituals.  I smiled and offered some observation for each piece and when he seemed particularly thrilled with something, "Wow! You must be pleased with yourself.  Let's hang this on the fridge!"

He would grin and walk over to place his work ON TOP of someone else's.  It looked like it felt mighty good to be three and have your work finally on display in the kitchen.  One Friday evening I said, "Look at our refrigerator just covered with all this great work you are doing."  He nods in response, "I think we have to get another refrigerator."

But, of course.  Aren't You Something!

Aren't You Something


is hanging lower on the fence for the littles who walk by.  I've seen so many kids having to look UP at the art on the fence.  When my kids were younger, I'd purposely hung art low in the house so they could observe it.  Since my kids are now as tall or almost as tall as me, I'd completely forgotten and hung the art fence from an adult perspective.

Aren't You Something!

is aimed at the just-learned-to-twirl-on-your-tip-toes crowd, those who fall and get up again several times each day, the ones walking by with a hand up to their caregiver.

The truth is, many adults could use a good look in that mirror, too.