My love for you: Found in Detroit through a Kanye video

Late one school night last week, my fifteen year old son (who follows men's footwear and design trends online) brought me this photo and said, "Mom. I saw one of your signs in a Kanye West video. But the sign is in Detroit, so how could it be you? But it looks just like your font and your style." When I saw the photo, I immediately I recognized that little sign as part of a series of tiny love notes I'd sent with Natalie & Phil as they drove across the country the end of last summer from Burning Man in Nevada to New Jersey. I guess they stopped in Denver. And I guess they hung up a sign.  And I guess it has stayed up for months.  So the video is by a teenage boy's dad who is about to prank him with some father-son sneaker love. The photo is taken from the teenage boy's fifteen second video of his "Detroit is beautiful and so are you campaign" as part a random act of kindness competition sponsored by Undefeated in LA. The prize? A pair of Kanye West shoes. For a brief moment late one school night, I was a completely legitimate artist in my son's mind. He could not have been more proud. I felt immense joy to see the ripples in the world. It looks like it was a random act of kindess times two. Or times three. Or times four. Depending on how you look at it. The trueness of "get love. give love." in action. Detroit is beautiful and so are you!  To my son: My love for you is everywhere.