I am a street artist. (My first wheatpastes.)

2015-05-03 15.37.34

2015-05-03 15.37.34

2015-05-03 15.44.17

2015-05-03 15.44.17

The YOU ROCK album cover inserts are some of my favorite art, held on to for several years.  But it was time. I've wanted to wheat paste for many years, too. I had an in-person training with the @ActNow radicals in Seattle two months ago. Now it was my turn. The weather, the schedule, art lined up just right and my wheat pastes appeared. A little walk down Valencia street found these awesome locations. The reward was not only these photos above captured the next day (every good street artists goes back to document her work) but this awesome photo below  of my boys + the tribe on Mother's Day during Sunday Streets.  Oh, ya, YOU ROCK!