Joaquin Miller Elementary School: Virtual Love Week 2021

For the last few years, Joaquin Miller Elementary School in Oakland, CA has celebrated “Love Week” one week in February. Love week is organized by parent extraordinaire Heather Ladov and inspired by Valley Oaks Elementary in Houston, TX.


With physical distance and online school, Heather brainstormed how she could create the magic and connection of Love Week within the constraints that are keeping everyone healthy. Shifting from a one-week to a one-month format, she used the 30 days of Love Notes as daily prompts in the school’s closed Facebook Group comprised of parents and teachers. (If you would like access to the digital files for your organization, please contact me.)


With the daily love note prompts and downloadable love note templates in six languages, students, staff, and parents began writing notes at home. In the socially distanced drop-off and pick-up space at the entrance to the elementary school, an outdoor love note space was installed. As students came by to pick up supplies or drop off homework, they also added their own love notes. Or saw love notes written by others.

The Green Team (the school-based organization focused on the environment) added individual succulent plants for people to pick up and tend to in their homes. The succulents were cultivated from cuttings in the school’s garden.


On the last Friday, teachers wore their love-themed t-shirts (made by Heather) at school and in Zoom classes.


Bravo! Well done, Joaquin Miller! Your love lives on brightly.