I choose love.


It happened in a moment. I found myself right up against my fears. Unexpectedly and a bit out of step with the process at hand, I froze. 

I acknowledged my fears. Offered to shake hands. A few of them are familiar - old wounds, recently integrated traumas, memories. Hello, again. As I glanced around at the other fears, I realized many of them materialized from unfounded beliefs - primarily a response to the unknown.

"But, isn't that why I am here?" I thought to myself. A chance to explore the unknown? With this unknown adventure as my purpose, I needed to decide how to wrangle those bold fears dancing on a seemingly less stable base of the vast unknown.

I've learned that a counter to my fear is my love. 

I have learned time after time: my love > my fear  (So is yours.)

It happened in a moment. I found myself right up against my fears. After a momentary pause to assess and recalibrate, I decided to choose love. Wildly. With abandon.