I've loved you for 7 years. (That is 2,555 days - if we were counting.)

Wow.2,555 days have gone since I first decided to love you so.So much has happened: thousands of love notes written, hundreds of wood signs of love hung in hundreds of cities in 20 countries across the globe, and heaps of caped Superheroes.This love note adventure began as inspiration and hope for my children - little nuggets of truth that I could offer to them in a different format from my voice, so I would paint or write them.Once I started seeing people taking photos of the wooden love notes hanging on the fence, I began to recognize how universal this hope is.  How much we all have in common - our longing, loss and desire to belong.Every day I wake up and dance with love. Sometimes this is a slow dance, other times a dirty samba, and yet other times it is rock and roll. Every single day is a practice of loving and being loved.I carry on because this is my sprinkling hope in the world.Sometimes this hope is for my own self. The act of writing, painting and hanging love notes is my prayer. This is the activity I return to on my darkest days as well as my brightest days.For those days in between, I write, paint and hang love notes for YOU - the universal you. The part of each of us that is connected, wants to be seen, inspired by hope.I dream of a cross country road trip - stopping in a variety of cities and towns to do love note installations with the goal of bridging the empathy divide that exists in our country. I want to provide a tangible opportunity for human connection.I also dream of a massive love note installation in a museum where we can be surrounded by the thousands of love notes I’ve collected from this magical adventure loving you.Listen below for details on how to get your own love note in the mail.How can I love you this year?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7rrhKRO0cU