deborah cohan virtual gratitude & love mob







We've been doing this "get love. give love." practice - exchanging our loves, dreams, and fears for awhile. It's now a familiar method of walking toward possibility or fear and releasing it all to the universe. Deb is my colleague/mentor/bestie who shines a light on the path ahead,  one such interaction is captured in the story behind the "good luck" love note template.In her flash mob tradition, Deborah Cohan invites us to participate in a virtual love & gratitude mob - an exchange of notes - at her second chemotherapy treatment on January 31st. Perhaps you saw the dance flash mob or participated in the meditation flash mob, now you can join in an exchange of gratitude and love notes. Grab any piece of paper and write something. Or download the free i love you, too flier or mini love note cards as a template. Write the note and share! You can text or email your message to the recipient. Deliver the note under a windshield wiper. Mail it with a stamp. Hide inside a work notebook. Or share via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. #LoveYou2 #DeborahCohan #FlashMob #LoveNoteReady, set, love! How will you share the love? I can't wait to see what you do with it.