agitprop: ideas worth sharing

2011-05-13 17.40.311.jpg

Agitprop is a term that can be used to define the sharing of ideas that are useful or beneficial.

I can't remember how I first bumped into

 but as they will, important and necessary ideas find us.  So,

found me and I'd ordered my packet of vinyl stickers the same day we met.  How could I resist this fabulous idea of non-permanent stickers that offered the opportunity for political commentary, dreaming, humor and fun all in a packet mailed from New Orleans?

I've spent the last week being an agitpropster for

.  Heaps of fun. A few favorites:

I wish this was my cooking school for kids

.  (Awesome corner location with windows on two sides, easy access for several neighborhood schools, good public transportation, nearby options for a community garden space.)

I wish this was an open air wood floor where we could dance barefoot to drums

.  (Flash mob style dance classes at lunch and after work?)

I wish this was where I said "i love you, too

". (Part shameless self promotion, part lovely dream, part agitprop action in a new part of town, part wanted to see this view.)

What ideas worth sharing have recently found you?