Your Love Notes: The Valentine Contest


Love is in the air!

It's that time of year and whether you are thinking about your loves past, present or future here's a chance to share your story and win a $25 gift certificate to


"How do I share my love and win some fine chocolate at the same time?" you ask.

It's easy, love.

Write a love note and take a picture.  

Post the picture and story to the blog (details here:


Share the link for the love note blog post on your FB page (and your loves FB page) or personal blog and invite your friends to MAKE A COMMENT.  

At 12 midnight Pacific Time on February 14th, the blog post with the most comments WINS THE CHOCOLATE gift certificate.

It's that easy.  Plus somebody is going to love you for it.

Let those public displays of affection begin!

I can't wait to see how you show your heART. <3