wonder ||| dream ||| desire ||| create


The window installation at 826 Valencia is up. She is stunning at night. The story behind the heART.The intention: On 12/26 as other windows promote sales & clearance deals - develop a welcoming space to co-create a new world.As in previous installations, #loveyou2#lovenotes are at the center of creating - in four languages and 22 different templates, these are easy to dive into invitations to write.New this year - Custom built, double-sided bulletin boards to easily accommodate the redone 826 Valencia Pirate Store interior. In previous years, I frequently went to the store to hang the notes deposited by visitors in a mailbox. This year (thanks to the now ADA compliant interior and safe flooring in the window) we invite visitors to join us in the window and hang their note. Own it, baby.The bulletin boards are completely designed and built by my sons - former @826valencia students. Perhaps one of the coolest elements of this installation are the custom stubby hammers, the genius and creation of Sheldon.We were unsure if the thickness of cork would be sufficient so the hammers became a part of the overall design - also an invitation to literally participate in building this window display.Once we installed the display, as a test I wrote a note, grabbed a thumb tack and hammered it in. Spoiler alert: it is πŸ’₯ and you feel like a badass.I played with the words and fonts for weeks - conjuring up what would be fitting for this epic year and all our wants for 2018. I went with Monserrat font (thanks @taftisseamstress for the suggestion and templates!) and hand cut the final letters on Christmas night.I drive by #826valencia and see the words calling me from the window: wonder ||| dream and inside the store: desire ||| create.What does it mean if I am smitten? I can’t stop thinking of cutting those letters - their very curves and shapes. I want to make words for your walls. And others to paint on the street. My aliveness circles back to me - what was once created to inspire you has me restless at night and unable to sleep.Again this #getlovegivelove reminds me it is hard to know where I end and you begin. Life: you are exquisitely beautiful.πŸ™πŸΎ(Mad props to Sandra for the color consult.)If you are in the area, I'll hope you'll come by to join in building this window display.  If you are not nearby, ping me with your love note and I'll gladly write and hang it for you.