"What do you love?" Friday


"What do you love?" Friday is the weekly pause to consider & acknowledge the myriad of love in our lives. Part of living and breathing i love you, too has been a new vision of the world of love swirling around me and a brave new voice to speak & write about love.

I love The Poetry Store: a typewriter and a poet and the art they make. Silvi, the artist and poet, creates poems on demand at events and through her website.

Above my desk hangs a gem concluding with the lines:

because the only thing to do

is put on your running shoes and

listen to yourself breathe for

miles upon miles upon miles,

because change is the only

variable that remains constant,

you will know what you need

to know and it will not

come to you expected in a dream

because it is already here

as you are waking.

This piece from her latest exhibition reminds me:

sometimes you need the ocean to show you grace

jump in, jump in

I love this poet and the truth she makes.

It's Friday.  What do you love?