What do you love? Friday


Welcome to "What do you love? Friday", the weekly prompt to document the love around us.

At times hope, at times a madlib, at times devotional, at times gratitude- this space is ours to explore the all the forms of love in life. The people, the places, the things – a capture of the now.

The process of inventorying the love around me helps me recognize love. Sometimes the list is long and sometimes just one moment or act. Regardless, each Friday I feel happier and like my heart has grown little bit bigger just by saying, "Hello, Love!" and typing it out.

You can share your "What do you love? Friday" reflection in the comments below (anonymous sharing is possible via the blog.)

Welcome, Love!

I love our birthday ritual - yarn tied to the bed of the birthday boy or girl, then strung around the house for the celebrant to follow until they find a gift at the end of the string. Today my youngest turns 10. We are all in the double digits now - a decade goes by so fast! I love that the GOAT, Greatest Of All Time as nicknamed by his older brother, will wake up delighted to scamper around the house to discover his birthday gift - so grateful for another year of young wonder.

It's Friday! Tell me, what do you love?