What do you love? Friday

Good Morning, Love!

It's Friday. Our weekly pause, meditation, prayer on the love around us.

This week I'm loving this amazing video found via Brain Pickings : http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/02/22/ira-glass-on-the-secret-of-success/

This Ira Glass quote has hung above my desk for the last year. What a gift from him, his creative process and opening up his journey to great writing.  I'm super inspired by the maker of the video, as well. The dedication to moving the text about and setting it to Ira's voice - even more profound to hear the familiar lilts and tones remind me to KEEP MAKING.

More often than not, the wooden signs I make for the fence don't turn out as gorgeous as I dreamed up in my head.  Painting words on wood is hard.  Many times I've been asked by passersby, "Do your kids make those signs?"  Nope. It's me. That's my best writing - its hard on uneven wood, in a hurry, out of practice or at this place in my creating.  I look at the finished signs and sometimes they want to be better themselves, I'll wish my handwriting looked like someone elses or that the colors were different, the spacing just right.

I love Ira for reminding me to simply MAKE MORE.  Yes.

It's Friday.  What do you love?