what do you love?

It's "What do you love?" Friday, the weekly reflection and opportunity to say (or type) aloud what we love. Sometimes the list is long and sometimes this is just one thing. Regardless, I always feel happier and that my heart has grown just a little bit bigger every time I do it.

At this moment, what do I love?

I love wearing my new warm jacket - I almost love the jacket itself but we've not known each other long enough and right now I simply love being toasty warm. 

I love my son asking me to tuck him last night.

I love my 'to do' basket all cleaned out - fresh and ready for new ideas.

I love the adventure that is in front of me today - going across the bay and talking with new people.

I love my friend Sandra and her never ending compassion, generosity and listening ear.

I love waking up and finding happy text messages waiting for me on my phone.

It's Friday. What do you love?