Waking in Gratitude.





These love notes are in the home and garden of my gratitude buddy. We have briefly met twice, once in her town and once in mine. For a year and a half, we have been emailing each other daily, three things we are grateful for. We were paired together for this gratitude practice by a mutual online acquaintance in January 2013 and know nothing about each other except that we are  both committing to sharing 3 daily gratitudes. It is that simple. The emails contain "1., 2., 3." with our gratitudes and that is it. We don't know each other's histories or stories. We don't know each other's triggers, sorrows, or desires. There is something profound about the anonymity of sharing such intimate highlights on a daily basis. By the third week of January, I had completely fallen in love with my gratitude buddy. Though I knew probably less than 200 words about her, the provocative call of gratefulness and my own submitting to the practice gave way to an out pouring of love. By knowing her simply in gratitudes, there is only light. I share with her my highest highs and my lowest lows. In fact, I often wake each morning thinking first of her and our practice. In this way, gratitude has become my prayer.In love and so much gratitude.