Valley Oaks Elementary Love Lines


Valley Oaks Elementary staff in their customized t-shirts greeting the students March 3, 2015 the morning of the school's Love Lines action, organized by their visionary art teacher Kimberley Lamb. Do you believe in love?  We do!  Sometimes people and experiences come into your life when you aren't even aware that you need them.  And so it is I am Kimberley Lamb, an elementary art teacher in Houston, TX.  My clientele consists of 600 PreK though 5th grade students.  We took a leap of faith and in January and successfully created our very own Wishing Trees, based on The Wishing Tree San Francisco created by Vanessa Sabarese.  My students seemed hungry for another heart lead school wide project.  I fell in love with Shannon's love signs that I came across while looking at images of the Wishing Trees SF.  Today, we took the plunge!  Valley Oaks Love Lines was a total success!  Teachers and students wore handmade tshirts with words of love and affirmation.  It was completely inspirational to see the hearts of these children poured out on paper...many had sweet, tender, very astute messages.  After having the opportunity to participate in The Wishing Trees and Love Lines, I will be looking for more projects that allow my students to take some time to slow down and listen to their hearts.