that sign to let you know i'm here

I lost my Mother in July and have been missing her a lot during the holiday season.  She was such a beautiful woman, I am so lucky that I had her for my dear Mother.

I was really missing her this week while I was walking my dog.  I felt the beautiful winter breezes and I sent up a little prayer to my Mother, telling her I missed her, and asking her to send me a sign that she was looking over me.  I let Rocky lead the way through the neighborhood and then we came upon your fence sign, "Just a sign to let you know I'm here".  Needless to say it touched me and made me laugh too, cause after all I prayed for a sign!  (I was expecting a bird or a feather or a pine cone.)  I got to thinking about how that sign would resonate with anyone who had lost someone dear. 

Thank you for it.