story behind the heART: YOU ROCK
Inside my mind it was a pitiful week - grey, gloomy, overcast with fuzzy darkness looming like a sticky fog in front of me.I don't explain this so you'll feel sorry, but just so you'll know. Normally, the world and life look to me like a delightful, delicious glass-half-full. Whenever things turn a glass-half-empty shade, I literally or figuratively turn myself upside down to detach enough from my own projections and simply see the shapes of life and what could be rather than what seems to be.Turning myself upside down did not work during this particular week. I felt overwhelmed and sad; this perspective becomes a magnet pulling my deepest fears from behind doors and out of the shadows.I took to calling one of the BFFs a little too regularly and simply announcing, "I am going to cry." I'd cry, walk for a few blocks, take a deep breath and pull it together for a few more hours.I'm pretty sure you understand.Early one morning while the house was still quiet, I scanned email and made breakfast. One message looked as if it found its way through the spam filter. I did not recognize the sender's name or the subject line: you rock. Before trashing the message, I clicked to preview and read the few sentences inside. I'd not immediately recognized the blast-from-the-past-friend's new email address....... her "you rock" note astoundingly needed and quickly absorbed. The message felt like a gift from the universe, a firm reminder of the bigger picture and a nudge to center myself.When the dark, cloudy thoughts crowded to the front of my mind, I could recite my friend's "you rock" sentences over the din of yuck. This shift helped me return to a comfortable place where I knew everything would be okay.Everyone needs a "you rock" message now and again. I thought maybe we could make an app to automatically send a "you rock" email or text when the cloudy thoughts start to overwhelm. But an app would not be the same......the automation without serendipity and personal connection would lack the magic to shift our view of how things seem.Instead of an app, here is my heART: YOU ROCK!Snap a photo. Email, post or share "you rock" with someone. Tell them why they rock. Repeat as needed.Love. Pass it on.