San Francisco's Crosstown Trail

Yesterday I hiked San Francisco’s Crosstown Trail - and left love notes across 17 miles of San Francisco. Nearly 40,000 steps in 7.5 hours placing over 20 love notes along the way. So fitting as I found my heart in San Francisco!

I started south and headed north - hiked up and down the hills, saw little nooks and parts of neighborhoods I had never seen before. I spied so many places that looked fun to live. There are an amazing collection of gardens and paths that connect this trail across the city. I loved seeing all the ways we make community and gather in public spaces!

San Francisco, you are beautiful! You also break my heart. There is so much community, money, and smarts here. And yet too many of our neighbors are unhoused, with deep needs to help balance their mental health. We can do better.

Once I started heading north from Visitation Valley through Glen Park (where I reloaded my backpack of snacks + love notes), through the Laguna Honda trails, Golden Gate Park, the Presidio, Baker Beach and finally to Lands End.

I left a trail of my love for you.