Reach and Teach: Be Open





I attended a fundraiser a few months ago and was lucky enough to have the winning bid on a basket of books from Reach and Teach : Girls aren't chicks, Sometimes the spoon runs away with another spoon, A is for Activist, Civil Rights card game, and Operation Marriage. First my kids and all our friends fawned over the creative genius of these books and games before we gifted the set to one of the besties at her baby shower. Included in the basket was a gift certificate to the store, so we drove to San Mateo for a field trip to see what this intriguing store front (teaching the world through transformable moments) might be like.Upon walking in the store and beginning to browse, I felt more like I was in a museum of bravery, courage, truth and kindness. Each section felt welcoming, a sort of invitation to be oneself or learn more about others. As I began a conversation with the man behind the counter (turned out to be the owner, Craig) I started to grin and a warm feeling crept into my heart: this place felt like home. I felt so happy to be standing in the space, surrounded by the good books and thoughtful curating that I wanted to be a part of it, to give something to this story. I looked toward their front door and there was no "open/closed" sign. I asked Craig if we could look at this website on his computer as I wanted to give him a gift. I showed him the Yes, we are: Be Open heART I created as a spin on the classic "Come in. We are open." sign for stores. "I've always thought this sign belonged in a store window but never knew the store to give it to. Maybe it's yours?" Craig just lit up, "That would be wonderful!"We met last week for the exchange: Craig, his partner Derrick and myself.  And the "Yes, we are: BE OPEN" sign now has a true and proper home at Reach and Teach. I'm really delighted to be connected like this and know a piece of my heART is in such good company.