Re-emerging into a post-pandemic work life, ways you can use love notes to connect.

Depending on where you are in the world, returning to work is taking shape in various forms. While it is hard to imagine returning to work in the same way as pre-pandemic life, we will be emerging from our isolation and find opportunities to create in-person connection and community.

While I have adapted my love note writing practices during COVID (I have mailed so many love notes and enjoyed a more robust at-home writing practice), I am looking forward to opportunities to create installations and witness each other’s experiences. These public forums for sharing and witnessing can be a part of our healing.

A few years ago, I was invited by the UK-based Wellbeing Teams to give a talk on ways to use love notes at work. I created a video based on that talk with tips and ideas from around the world for how you can integrate the free love note templates (in six languages!) into your workflows. H/t to my son who edited the video below with images from love note installations and practices around the world. 

  1. Use love notes to set intentions at the beginning of workshops or retreats.

  2. Love notes can be a focal point or gathering place at a conference.

  3. Memorialize a work transition such as retirement or promotion.

  4. Write a note to yourself. A reminder to keep on keeping on.

  5. Use love notes to thank stakeholders: funders, partners, volunteers.

  6. Engage with community through a public love note writing station.

  7. Create a resource center for staff, including a love note station.

  8. Build community through a strategic partnership and public display of affection.

  9. Accountability and commitments following a workshop or retreat are documented on love notes.

  10. Interactive display in public spaces such as a window display or lobby.

  11. To overcome stigma - a way to talk about grief, mental health, HIV, allyship.

  12. Gala or donor event to bridge the community work with fundraising efforts.

  13. Staff members write love notes to each other as part of appreciation practices.

My sister recently used the love note templates as part of her work’s return to the office practices. A re-emegence, a re-introduction, a welcoming to the new world unfolding before us.

Reply in the comments and let me know how you are using love notes at work. Or share your love note story here and get added to the love note map.