one reader's get love. give love. story

I always tuck a love note inside the box or envelope of purchases from my LoveYou2org etsy shop. Truthfully, I'm so tickled with each sale and curious how the buyers found, what they will do with the love notes, and what ripple effects come into their lives because of this love sharing.

What a complete delight to recently receive this recent email below. I had goose bumps while reading the email imaging this amazing teacher sharing this experience with her students. As serendipity works, I'd participated in an Amherst Writers and Artist Methods Workshop the summer before I launched the website. The AWA experience and working with Cary Tennis changed my life (must write about this one day) and helped the love come in to existence.

Thank you, Jan, for sharing your get love. give love. experience. I can't stop smiling!


I want to thank you for all the love that came tucked into the little box of notepads that I purchased recently from you. I was touched by your handwritten note that said you were curious about how I'd use the get love/give love notes in Sacramento. So I want to report that I used them with two weekly writing groups I hosted this weekend, and they went over very well.

I put out blank notes for people to write on, if they chose, but I also wrote dozens of love quotes on them--some I'd seen on your Facebook page, but most from Rumi and e.e. cummings. After we wrote and read aloud to each other, I invited the writers to take some of my notes with them, if they like, or the blank ones, and to spread them around. Since I had more than 20 people writing this week, I hope that they'll start to find their way around the Sacramento area in the days to come!

I used cummings quotes like:

"Be of love a little more careful than anything."

"I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance."

"love is a place and through this place of love move (with brightness of peace) all places"

"love is thicker than forget, more thinner than recall, more seldom than a wave is wet, more frequent than to fail"

"(i do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)

nobody--not even the rain--has such small hands."

and Rumi quotes like:

Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent.

Nowhere to go but the heart.

You're a song--a wished-for song!

Your eyelashes will write on my heart the poem that could never come from the pen of a poet.

You are the Soul of the Soul of the Universe, and your name is Love.

O, lover, be mindless! Become mad!

Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you have grown, lifting.

Your quest to spread love fits perfectly with what I do with writers. I'm a community college writing teacher of journalism, English and creative writing in Sacramento. But for fun, I also lead writing groups using the Amherst Writers & Artists method, which encourages people to write to prompts (or write whatever needs to be written, we say) and then read aloud brand new, first draft work. Listeners are only allowed to say what they like, what stays with them and what is strong about the writing--no criticism is ever allowed. As Pat Schneider, the creator/founder of the method says, you wouldn't point out the wart on the brand new baby's nose, would you? This is a method that believes that everyone is a writer and has a voice worthy of the page. There's a lot of love in AWA writing groups! (The website is

Best of all, you now have 20-plus people in Sacramento who have heard your name, about your organization and your mission! We will all go forth and spread more love.

Thank you so very much! Jan