My love story


I lost my wallet.

It had about $200 in cash (Xmas money, of course having been just withdrawn from the bank) and about the same value in gift cards. Lost is the wrong word though. I stupidly left it behind at the post office when I was using the self service kiosk late on a weeknight.

When I realized my blunder and returned, it was gone. I was devastated. People were so kind. Reassuring that it would be ok. I went home that night feeling as though I had learned a very tough lesson.

I entered my house through my back door and met up with my family. They were also super sweet and kind.

I offered to walk the puppy around the block and I leashed her up and we went to the front door. I opened it, and there, between the screen door and the front door, was my wallet.

No note. No knock that anyone heard that day. Just left there. With EVERYTHING still in it.

I have never been so grateful and impressed with humanity.

The next day, I took the money out to make a purchase. In the middle of the bills was a sticky note. It said "Merry Xmas." with a simple little heart. I peeled it off with the intent to keep it and could see there was something also written on the back. It said "Love everyone all the time and you deserve this return"

Someone posted your link on my facebook page when they heard my


have been posting these posters all over....

We love you.