My love for you is in motion: Maker Faire 2014



Maker Faire 2014 was an exceptional experience. I still feel the high from loving and being loved in a crowd of inquisitive, creative, brave, friendly makers. We had conversations about lost love, creativity, found love, friendships, believing, anniversaries, seeing, a wailing wall of love notes, your prayer robot, your mobile laser etcher. We kissed, we hugged, we had that look of knowing, we wrote notes. One sister wrote to another on Saturday - on Sunday a woman ran after the bike until I stopped and she found the note from the day before from her sis. A favorite rememory (as my son calls them) is the sound of those love notes blowing in the wind - all that love and gratitude floating out into the world.  One beautiful conversation ended with teary eyes and you telling me, "most of all I'm inspired by the random acts of hope." Me, too. I can't wait to pedal power the love for you again.  Big shout out to my son for hacking the bike trailer with me and to my daughter, Silvi and Jennifer for womaning the love note exhibition while I went to dance practice. Thank you Maker Faire!