

She taught me how to blow my nose, the best way to organize a grocery shopping list, to volunteer to clean up after a party, sewing skills 101, and how to say "I'm sorry" and mean it.  Because of her, I know that that glass really is half full. She taught me how to talk to strangers, to dress for the occasion, multitasking and excellent pranking.

I think of my mom daily because her influence in who I am, how I think, and the way I live is so great.

Over the last decade, I've slowly unwrapped a realization of the vastness of her love and learned, again and again, what a touchstone this love is. I'm not sure if over the years her love has become grander or if my ability to perceive her love has grown.  Natalie Merchant sings in



Motherland cradle me

Close my eyes

Lullaby me to sleep

Keep me safe

Lie with me

Stay beside me

Don't go, don't you go

I know that place.  The Motherland.   If I every wonder, it just takes a phone call, an email or a text and she is there.

I love you, too, Mom.