SuperShero: Megan Canon





Megan Canon inducted into the Love Superhero Hall of Gratitude in January 2015 for being a bright light as San Francisco AIDS Foundation's Social Media Manager, the Online Diva of all that is hip and happening as we focus on creating a world without HIV. I first became aware of Megan through her groundbreaking work as the creator of Even in the earliest days of creating PrEP content online, Megan included trans and non transwomen in her work - visionary and important! Megan, I honor you for your dedication and cheer as you do your good work. Thank you!Megan (center) with Love Superhero Hall of Gratitude inductee Caroline Watson and baby Valerie, and Shannon Weber (right).Megan and Superhero Eric Paul Leue.About the Love Superhero Hall of Gratitude!“The plain fact is that the world does not need more successful people, but it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane.” David OrrI deeply admire those who "live well in their places." The ordinary and the unsung who offer to the world the very best parts of themselves without expectation. This is a beautiful expression of love in her calm, persistent, generous manner - offering a ripple of change (a metamorphosis) to the world. Inductees to the Love Superhero Hall of Gratitude are caped in recognition of their contributions to a love-filled world.