love share: thank you and welcome

My, oh my! Love is floating in the air and has been the recent recipient of great "love share".  A heartfelt "Welcome!" to the newest love ambassadors. Here's a round up of the latest love sharing. I can't wait to hear how you share the love!

Ode Magazine writer and professional optimist Emily Aviles found an i love you, too sign and wrote Signs of Love. How fun that before I read the Ode article, one of my BFFs in another state called me because she had seen Emily's love share online.  The Ode community was incredibly responsive and the Signs of Love article was shared, tweeted and reposted.  It is terribly exciting to have this much exposure with such an enthusiastic and wide-reaching audience. Thank you, Emily, for pulling an i love you, too tab, snapping a photo and sharing the love.

Jodell Scott, realtor and Glen Park News contributor, featured the heART of the i love you, too campaign in Give Love, Get Love.  It's just a matter of time (and some paint) before my heART appears in new locations. I'm scouting locations now for a summer 2011 heART pop-up exhibition.  I love Jodell's dedication to the Glen Park community and her appreciation of the little things in life.

Inspired by "i love you because" Fridays (madlibs for you heart!), sfmusicchick blogged at Hipster Nation: I love you because .  She opens her piece, "I love you because you hold me when I am sad."  There are only certain people who will or can do this for us.  Likewise, we only allow certain people to see us in this vulnerable state.  What a beautiful intersection when the one who can hold finds the one who needs holding and they embrace.  My sister has done this for me.  Alyce, I love you because you got down on the floor and held me when I was sad.

I look forward to more signs of love and your creative love share. Thank you for helping me spread the i love you, too  message around the world and cyberworld!

i love you, too.