love rememory


I serendipitously bumped back into an "i love you, too" sign I'd posted last week. All the tabs were gone.  This made me smile broadly.

I wonder where each of those tabs are right now. 

Maybe one is tucked into someone's pocket to be unexpectedly rediscovered? 

One of my friends is lucky like this with rediscovering her own cash in her pants pockets.  I once gave her a pair of jeans and she found my money in the pocket - even more fun! My winter coat pocket has an often forgotten hotel key that I love rediscovering, flipping it over and reading the hotel name which immediately triggers memories of a fantastic trip. Not the same as a tab of paper, but you understand the kind of surprise and delight I'm thinking about.  

Rediscovered memories (or as my young son once said about an epic family vacation, "Those are the best rememories!") for even a fleeting moment delight me. 

I hope there is an 'i love you, too' tab in someone's pocket right now, waiting to spark a beautiful rememory.