love multiplies


Tiny bananas remind me love multiplies.

Every time I see a bunch of finger bananas, regardless of the city or block or store, I think of you sitting in your high chair mouth full yet grinning and motioning for 'more!'  

I'd start the peel and you'd pull the banana out, shove it in your mouth and motion your sign language for "More! More!" before the entire banana was even in your mouth. 

In these moments I was consumed with love and mesmerized by adoration for you - your wonder, your delight, your budding communication and independence along with my own wonder at being captivated by you.  This is how I learned love multiples.  Before you were born, I'd been completely surprised by my devotion to your sister, amazed that I could be absolutely distracted from the exciting life with no kids I had with your dad.  During your earliest years, love seemed to sprout up everywhere around me. 

The tiny bananas remind me love multiples in moments, in daily life, in the ordinary. 

Thank you for slowing life to a pace I could feel the expansion happening.