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#covid_19 is teaching us many things, one of which is our deep interconnectedness..Time has both speed up and slowed down..I find myself holding a presence for stories across the entire earth..AND an increasingly shrinking sphere is coming into focus in my periphery: My ecosystem is clarifying..With the physical distancing, social connection takes a new level of commitment and is not in person..There are the few you get to shelter in place with. And those you can call to drop supplies at the back door. I remember who came to help when we had lice years ago (and how many would not). Who are those people who would come if we needed help now? And who trusts me with a call?.Births and deaths in hospitals are now limited to one support person. Soon, some of our elders will be dying alone..My attention now goes to what is happening on my block, in my home, in my room, in my mind - a spiral toward the infinite..Life is shapeshifting. Come write love notes with me for 30 days. Sign up to the right. loveyou2