Love for Leslie


if i typed out all the reasons i love you, blogspot would explode and the internet would be so full of love it would not be able to move the bytes and bits to everyone else on the web.

for the sake of humankind, i'll make this is the short version.

i love your google calendar, your to do list, your vision board, your journals, your stack of books, your dreams, your photographs, your adventures.

thank you for sharing your clothes, your art supplies, your outings, your smoothie recipe, your stories, but most of all thanks for sharing your wonder.  

little glimmers of this wonder come through in texts, links, music, books, voicemails, commute chats - and it always makes me so happy to know that moment of your journey.

here's one word for you: harry.  gosh, i wish i could see your face right now because i love, love, love, love when you laugh like that.

thanks for all the laugh moments.

thanks for joining in my shenanigans with such enthusiasm and saying 'the more you are yourself the more we love you!'

who else could go from folsom to polk in one day?  there truly is no one like you.

what's next?  i can't wait.


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