Live love note writing photos: International AIDS Conference


Last week at the International AIDS Conference in Washington DC, we had a live love note writing session in the Global Village's Womens' Networking Zone.The Global Village was a hub for activists, providers, and visitors - generally an engaged and happy vibe through out the hall. Many artists and performers participated during the week's events.The Womens' Networking Zone hosted several not-for-profit groups, an interesting series of discussions, and had sitting area for participants and guests to have small group discussions or rest from the non-stop schedule of events.The Womens' Networking Zone theme, Make Women Count, was brought to life with the "Visible Panty Line" of undergarments brought from around the world later donated to a local charity.Just behind the Visible Panty Line, we sat together in a small area on Tuesday afternoon and wrote love notes. I enjoyed taking my shoes off and circling together with women from around the world and talking about our weeks in Washington. A large march ended and spilled into the Global Village just as we began our live love note session. What a thrill when energized march participants joined in documenting the love around us. Feeling and then seeing the love by and for the women around me in the networking zone was a beautiful experience:Some folks talked about what they were learning and how life would be impacted once they went home:Thank you to the Womens' Networking Zone and all the Live Love Note writing participants for an afternoon that reminded me of why we are here and giving me new energy to keep going.  Much love! Live love note writing is a pop-up love note writing experience within an event or community, creating an interactive art display or crowd-sourced public display of affection. The perfect adjunct to an event (art gallery opening, gala, team building, party, school, conference, fair) providing brief and meaningful interactions with individual guests AND a public art piece unique to your event. This is a fabulous photo opportunity with major social media sharing potential. I'd love to host a live love note writing experience at your next event. Contact me at for more information. Or you can host your own live love note writing event - kits available in the Etsy shop.