Listen in 1 PM PST Monday as I share my story on The Path to Fabulously Successful



What an amazing experience I had taping an episode with Dawn for her Path to Fabulously Successful BlogTalkRadio show. I want to curl up inside her voice and daydream for an entire afternoon! We got to talk about love in her many splendid forms, making art, being brave and our connections to one another - all this possibility. She is a radiant, deeply connected soul.  This is so timely as I contemplate my intentions, goals, the path in front of me at the beginning of 2014.  I'm inspired after spending this time with Dawn to dive deeper into my sacred service and snuggle up with my fears to see what might be possible at the edge of the horizon. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Dawn for finding me and sharing the love!

Listen in on Monday at 1 PM PST to hear the episode:



You can find and connect with Dawn here:

Dawn Z Bournand brings you the most compelling inside stories of how highly fulfilled achievers have created Fabulously Successful in their lives.