Is this you, mam

2015-05-28 16.34.23

2015-05-28 16.34.23

  More than five years ago (back to the days of flip phones!), I was on a work trip across the country as the school year was coming to a close. I felt guilty for missing end of school rituals and field trips. And if I had missed the work trip, I would have felt guilty for not making a contribution and doing my part.My kids shared a flip phone at the time. My youngest was in possession of the prized phone because he was on an end of school field trip hiking to the top of Bernal Hill.I received a text from him, "Is this you, mama?" along with a grainy photo of the sign above."It is!" I texted back.He later told me, "I knew you'd hung that sign for me because you would miss me and my field trip. I love you, mama."Awwww.I love when and how these signs circle back to be the ultimate "get love. give love." experience.