I'm reminded: Love is Louder


In hard times, I'm reminded of this truth: love is louder. Love is louder than the silence of apathy or the din of despair. It can take focus to hear the words love whispers or screams, whatever the case may be. But when I focus and clear the noisy space for even a moment, I can always find that steady, calm voice of love to guide me.

From my first  "Love is Louder" post:

I don’t think that the 

i love you, too

 signs will end war.  We still need to stock our food banks and teach everyone to read. There are vaccines to be developed.  Justice is not universal. There is real, important, critical work to be done. But I do believe that hope is a rallying call, and sustaining for those working to make the world a better place.  

Sometimes it takes a little love to pull on the marching boots one more time.  Of course it is love when we take a deep breath and say from our heart, “I am so very sorry.”  With love can come the acceptance we are seeking for ourselves or for others – the kind of love that fills up space so that there is no room left for hate. 

A little hope, a little love can inspire one to do more, to try again, to believe that change is possible, or remind us why, in fact, we do this work at all. 

It's time for me to post some more signs.