i love you, dad!


Thank you for teaching me how to change a flat tire, how to jump a car battery, and when to call AAA.

Thank you for taking me with you to Mexico to work in the dental clinic.

Thank you for sending me to Europe to visit my childhood pen pal and get lost on the train.

Thank you for making sandwiches for the masses on top of the cooler.  Everytime I use my mad sandwich making skills like this, I smile and think of you.

Thank you for being my 911 for all dental questions.

Thank you for showing me how to quietly, generously love & give.

Thank you for taking me to your hometown when I was 12.

Thank you for visiting me in every home I've lived in, and moving me several times.

Thank you for throwing the baseball with my kids & sitting on the sidelines at sports events with me. 

Thank you for inspiring me to have fun with whatever is happening around me -  disneyland in the rain with red trashbags as raincoats turns out to be a metaphor for so much of life.

Thank you being silent for a few days and embracing the experience when I painted the car with rustoleum. 

Thank you for driving us and all our friends so many places - dances, the beach & camping trips. 

Thank you for listening.

I love you, Dad.