I am holding you close. (Voice memo)


How are you managing?

I've been calling and texting friends to tell them "I love you". I did not have your number so click the link below for a voice message, instead.

These are strange and uncertain times. As we await the outcome of the U.S. election, one thing is clear: we have healing to do.

In the highlights and low lights of my life, I turn to writing you love notes.

This love note is in the form of a voice memo. I'm reading a passage to you from my book Show Up Hard: A Road Map For Helpers In Crisis. I read this passage two days ago to the book club attendees at the Compassion Revolution. Goosebumps, tears, all the things.

This is for you. It's two minutes. It's a voice memo. I just closed myself in my closet to make it for you. It's me telling you the truth. You are enough.

One thing we know for sure: tomorrow we will rise in love.