Happy holidays! It's a love note card





 I'm so tickled the photo booth inspired heART became one of my neighbor's holiday card photos. How fun is that?! If only we had been so clever. For the first year ever, we did not pull together a printed version of a holiday card. Alas, a Facebook post and email blast is our holiday love share this year.We've been loving life, shooting hoops, scoring high, making the grades, getting up, saying sorry, figuring things out, trying again, cooking, doing chores, sharing the love, laughing out loud, swapping favors, riding the bus, telling the truth, loving like there is no tomorrow, bowing to the awe, riding the waves, taking a deep breath, taking turns, calculating higher math, working hard and playing harder, being a friend, dancing, dancing, dancing, ever grateful, saying yes, and so full of this very good life there is no holiday card in the mail. With thanks to the stunning Michelle Konstantinovsky for the capture. Merry, merry from the blue bench!