Good Morning Sunshine!


I love my neighbors across the street.  We have keys to one another's homes and can count on each other in the moments when you could never call anyone else. ("Hey, I forgot to put the newspaper on hold while I'm gone.  Can you make sure the porch looks clean?")

Who else but my neighbor would send me into her house while she was out of town to go through her birthday presents, so I could use her brand new food processor just because I'd come into a bumper crop of basil? Oh, the fun I had pressing the button on her fancy new appliance and watching my bright green pesto sputtering into existence.

We've shared a vacuum, needle and thread, kids' ski clothes, and many tools.  The important things you need at the last minute.  I've often joked, "We really only need one of these anyway."

A broken oven means we get to unexpectedly spend time together on Christmas Day, in our pajamas.  What fun!

Not only did the neighbors let us borrow their work truck (bringing back a flood of childhood memories riding in the truck with my dad) but then helped us carry up the piece of furniture that we'd brought home.  See?  That's big.

One of my most favorite aspects of living across the street from this family, is the mornings their kids will talk to us from the kitchen window. "Hi! Good morning!" they will yell across the street.  Who doesn't want to be greeted with such joy in the morning?

This heART is for you - Good Morning Sunshine!